Test Patterns

This is a test entry, because I really have no idea what I’m doing yet, and whatever I put here is sure to make me cringe later on.

Test Paragraph 2: The Lean Years.

Test Paragraph 3: In Which It Becomes Apparent That Rambling Discourse Need Not Be Useful.

Test paragraph 4 is this very one right here. It’s short at this point, so I’ll keep going; it really ought to be a bit longer since the previous three were not long. I suppose I could open up any text document at all and just copy and paste random text here, but I’d rather ramble and input something wholly unrelated to everything else. Maybe this is long enough? Possibly. Kirké, Persephóné, 4½ but lighter. A dash—I mustn’t forget a dash. Em-dash, not en-dash and certainly not hyphen. More emphasis: yes and yes.

Also, here’s an image, totally out of context.

kitten versus the feather-stick

Kitten is as kitten does.

The End