The final installment of unpolished panels from my work in progress; I’ve now completed all the principal drawings and have started assembling finished pages. I’m going to complete multiple chapters before I start posting them, though.
The final installment of unpolished panels from my work in progress; I’ve now completed all the principal drawings and have started assembling finished pages. I’m going to complete multiple chapters before I start posting them, though.
For a panel in my work-in-progress, I first sketched out the image I had in my head (3 Jl 2021):
Afterwards I wrote a brief description in the word-processing document that includes the text for the entire story:
<ZAJ: walking along barren, bare yellow-brown land, casting handful of five tiny dark-brown seeds to ground, has NO bag with more seeds; wears simple jeans loose and baggy, thin button-up long-sleeved shirt open at top with undershirt beneath, sleeves rolled at elbows, boots under pants legs; show land going on and on around her, all bare>
A year and a half later (7 Fb 2023) I finally got around to doing a regular drawing, which I did without more than a glance at the original sketch. I ended up with this:
Two months later I happened to look at the sketch version again and couldn’t help thinking it was much superior in feeling to the “finished” drawing (which I had examined recently when posting it in “Teaser Fragments 8”).
So I made a new drawing (12 Ap 2023):
And I’ll be using this one for the final work.
Still more unpolished snippets from my work in progress.
Another trickle of uncorrected snippets from my work in progress.
Another batch of cropped but uncorrected images from my work in progress.